What we need after field trip,
Editing & creating data - Write down all informations - discuss and choose one.

Data remix is collecting data, edit and create visually.

We went to field trip, and made small group. And we made all different themes each people, I researched with 3 different themes. which is,

1. How many different colours can we see during 50 stepts.
- I took 89 photographs all around me during walking 50 steps, and choose some pictures selected colours from photographs.

2. How many peolpe wear black trouses
- 16 people wares black trousers

3. How many white cars can we see during 20 minutes.
- I have seen 22 white Vans and 12 white cars.

After field trip, we went back to studio and discuss how we created visually. We decided to create info graphy drawing. In the begining, we wrote everything what we found from near Kenton station, and then each people created their own words. (as a drawing)
Final Outcome
Using the data we have collected I have designed a poster quickly. This shows that everything, daily objects around us that we see everyday that we always missed could be made into an art piece. This workshop helped us to find all the possibilities of mixing and creating using data remix to design pieces.
And also we learnt how to create as a visually. We tried to create poster with our own words with a simply icons.
I made some 'colours codes' of the data we have collected on Photoshop. Then by playing with duplication objects or resizing, creating a piece of design. As my first exercise, i tired to find some colour from environment. When I back home, I selected lots of colours from what I collected in the morning. This works for finding colours from environment. And I made a new data with environment from near Kenton station.
The colour code is base on RGB code.